Blog - The Stress Point

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Recent Blog Posts - Residential

Star Bolts

Have you ever noticed eye-catching stars positioned on the fronts of masonry row homes in urban areas, such as Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and various other cities? The stars are not just ornamental; they are also functional.

Hurricanes in Florida


Those of us who choose to live in Florida, expect the occasional hurricane. Some years are quiet while others are much more active. The discussion with respect to oncoming hurricanes is always: Do I evacuate or stay put and ride it out?

Caution and Hope in the Aftermath of Hurricane Florence


The effects of Hurricane Florence have yet to be measured. There is potential for Florence to have the greatest impact of a storm making landfall on the Carolinas in recent history. While still in the Atlantic Ocean, wind gusts reached up to 150 miles per hour (mph), and there was fear the hurricane...

Post-Fire Structural Evaluations


Post-fire structural evaluation by a forensic engineer is necessary to determine the extent of damage, whether the structural components of a building involved in a fire remain adequate to meet their original design intent, and/or to consider repair or replacement options.

Can I Put an LED Bulb in a Fluorescent Light Fixture?


Many people have energy savings on their minds these days. With the advent of LED tubes as a drop-in replacement for fluorescent tubes, the return on investment for LED conversion can be very appealing; the fluorescent fixture can be reused, with only some minor rewiring. However, the differences...

Safety Tips For July 4th

portrait photo of Thomas


During a conversation I had with an old-school adjuster, we discussed the cyclical nature of insurance claims. He stated that his experience had taught him that insurance claims spike during the holidays, particularly, the periods of Christmas and the three summer months. He noted that an increased...

South Florida Forensic Engineering Office


On May 15, 2018 we launched the opening of our EDT South Florida engineering office. We're excited to expand our forensic engineering services in the South Florida region. In conjunction with our existing EDT Orlando office, our new office will also provide services offering clients efficient...

Pumps: Putting Fluid to Work


Though we may not realize it, our very days are dictated by pumps. If the fuel pump in our car does not function as designed, we may not get to work on time. If the city’s water pumps break down, we may not have water for that pot of coffee. If the electric utility’s pumps are inoperative, we may...

Defects Affecting the Structural Integrity of Wood Construction


Wood has been the construction material of choice for centuries. The wood structures listed in The National Register of Historic Places served as testament to the long-term serviceability, or durability, of properly constructed and maintained wooden structures. It’s flexibility of usage, high...

Expansive Soils and Construction Implications


Expansive soils, also known as soils with high shrink-swell potential, are common in various geographic regions, especially the central portion of North America.

Tracing a Leak to Get Answers


A recent engineering consultation involved the evaluation of water-related damages to a residence. The Assignment EDT was asked to determine “how?” and “why?” this loss occurred.